Clerk is looking for product-minded Software Engineers to help us establish sturdy architectural patterns that support ongoing delivery of new functionality to Clerk’s Dashboard.
[We’re a small but growing team, with big ambitions. This means you’ll have responsibility far beyond closing out pre-sliced tickets. We’re looking for people that are comfortable working across the stack to solve product problems for real users. While we’re hiring for a role that is focused on our Dashboard product, you’ll come to find that our Dashboard is a crucial way for Clerk to dogfood our own product; and therefore is also critical for generating product feedback and driving the direction of Clerk as a business.
We will expect you to:
Be Customer 0 - Clerk is built on top of Clerk. That means our Dashboard is one of our most advanced customers. The Dashboard is always Customer 0 by integrating upcoming functionality internally first
Embrace a culture of craft by focusing on engineering quality. We want our product to be best-in-class, and so we need our team to write maintainable, performant, and well-structured code.